Thursday 21 May 2015

Feable the facbook for FA's.

Feable is the first new generation social media site for Fat Admiration, it moves away from the old style of static sites and steps towards dynamic sites like Facebook and Twitter.  I like the idea very much but not mad on the name. Not sure what it's meant to mean. I think it's meant to be short for feed-able but just reminds me of feeble or fable.

 Name aside, I joined and I can see what a leap forward this site could be.Taking FAism out of the early 00's basic and kind of sleazily looking sites and bring it forward to the main steam. If done right this site could be a good step in legitimize FA's and our society as a proper preference. Having a more open forum would also help stifle the behind the curtain behavior that is endemic in other sites.

But on the down side since it is an open forum is takes away from the privacy that other sites provide and could be a large stumbling block for most people that aren't open about their tastes in body type. But that aside a do like the idea of a site that will build up rather than maintain the status quo by
 using modern ideas.

I'd definitely check this out and join up at